Sunday, September 16, 2018

Time Management (Hindi)

Time Management (Hindi)

Time Management (Hindi) is an educational print which is explained in a very convincing manner and guides the reader about the importance of time management in life. The book is well authored in Hindi.
Time Management is a concept of planning and exercising some mindful control on the quantity of time spent on the regular day-to-day work or some specific activity, to enhance the productivity and efficiency.
If one is following the principles of Time Management, the person has to complete the particular work in a given restricted time frame with the maximum amount of productivity and efficiency. Time management makes use of several tools, skills and techniques in order to complete the given set of activity within the boundary of time given. Initially, Time Management was used or referred to by just for business or professional purposes. But eventually the term got broadened and encompassed the personal activities of an individual as well.

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